Re: Introductions
Posted by Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande on October 27, 2006 at 05:55:37:

Very impressive bona fides, both in education and experience, and list of publications, Chris. Tends to illustrate just how difficult it is to get a permanent, well-compensated position in Geology nowdays, when it has been elusive for someone with such good qualifications as you have. I'm humbled that you've elsewhere compared my knowledge favorably with yours. You're too kind.

I understand your concerns with anonymity, Chris. Though not at a personal level. One of the reasons I have been particularly forceful, and not overly-diplomatic, in my rejection of pseudo-scientific or outrageous claims, is that I don't have that personal concern. I feel it is a social responsibility of scientists, especially in light of the pathetic state of understanding of science in this country, to fight ignorance, superstition and other forms of irrationality. Those who are employed in the field, though, have to be measured in their response to often very un-measured claims. Though not a scientist (previous discussions notwithstanding), I do have an understanding and deep appreciation of how science works. You've been very helpful here in providing both reason and knowledge. Keep up the good work!

Michael Williams
Arroyo Grande, CA USA