Posted by Glen on October 14, 2006 at 21:34:35:
Magnitude: 2.5 to 4.5 From: 10/14/06 2000 Pacific - To: 10/19/06 2000 Pacific Location: NNW of Indio Lat: 33.900N - Long: 116.200W - Range: 25 km
Area is ripe. It has been hitting over the last few months, and I think the activity in the western Salton Trough will initiate some activity there. I still think there is a connection between the south end of the Johnson Valley fault and the SAF near (North) of Indio. We will see. Right now the area is quiet. I expect that to change shortly. Experimental prediction. Glen
Follow Ups:
● Re: Indio - Mary Antonelli 15:02:37 - 10/16/2006 (41713) (1)
● Just tiny tots, this time... - Glen 23:44:55 - 10/20/2006 (41828) (0)
● Addon - Glen 21:45:36 - 10/14/2006 (41588) (1)
● Re: Addon - Cathryn 22:07:08 - 10/14/2006 (41589) (0)