Earthquake Dreams Times Two
Posted by Petra Challus And Don Eck on December 22, 2000 at 22:07:47:

Hi All,

Here's a real corker. Last night both Don and I had earthquake dreams. So I'll tell you about his first and mine second.

Don's Dream: I was standing on a hill above the Rodgers Creek Fault. I could see Petra's study area below me. As I was standing there, I felt the ground start to move and I could see a wave in the ground coming toward me. It was then that I could really feel the ground shake and heard a rumbling noise. I looked toward Petaluma and I could see the taller buildings sway and some collapsing. I could hear what I believe were people screaming. It was at this point that I woke up. (I got no sense of a time frame as to when the quake might occur.)

Petra's Dream: I was looking at a map similar to the USGS quake map and the area I was viewing was to the east of the Rodgers Creek Fault. It was just north of Highway 37, perhaps east of Sonoma in reference. I saw several quake squares in green. There were 3 fours and numerous smaller quakes. (my thoughts on waking is that the green represents potential that exists now for future quakes in the area.)

Keep in mind at the time we both had our dreams we were about 140 miles apart. In this respect we had no influence upon one another.

Now one last note. This is just one of those weird kind of things you really don't know what to make of. Several weeks ago I had a right ear tone that lasted seven minutes. Within 3 days the Sandwich Islands had a sizeable earthquake. The night before last I had a right ear tone that lasted for 30 minutes straight. The sound level was moderate and was the same kind of tone I heard prior to the Sandwich Island quake. When I told Don about it, he stated it was almost as if I was hearing from a possible nearby epicenter,as the time frame would allow the travel time to be around the globe, back to here. Time will tell what shows up, but one long sound and two dreams about the RCF and environs gives one the heads up feeling, and a creepy feeling as well.

Don said to comment that he never has earthquake dreams and certainly not hearing and feeling them. I wonder if any of my psychic ability is starting to influence him? Now, I wonder if its possible to have him see ghosts like I do? He doesn't believe in them, but I told him just because he doesn't believe, doesn't mean they're not there. He's still shaking his head. You never know.

From North of the Golden Gate..Petra & Don