Re: Nobody is "ready" for an earthquake
Posted by Robert Baum on September 28, 2006 at 01:17:32:

As teachers, my wife and I strove to prepare the children for earthquakes. You are right in the fact when a quake hits many things race through a persons mind. We taught that the earth is ALWAYS changing and quakes are part of it. Most of the teachers at school got the same message from us. Some understood and others we knew would freak out. We planned for it. The kids for the most part were excited to the extent that they knew it was natural. The damage and changes to their lives was the hardest to work on. Same for adults. Having a plan helped as you have something you can do to regain control of yourself and some of the situation around you. Even knowing you will freak is something of a help. All we can do is be as prepared as we can. Those of us who are can give those who are not some guidance and sense of control.
After the 1994 quake, I told all of the staff to be prepared for the aftershock series. When they saw I was right on, they felt better knowing the chance of a larger quake was diminishing with time. I know, there can be an exception, but I warned them of that also. Many followed my suggestion that if you wanted an item, box it or put it in a safe place for several months until the aftershock series eased of. It seemed to help. One thing for sure, drop drills were much better for years after the quake.
There is no EASY BUTTON on this one. If we have the BIG ONE I am sure it will shake up even some of the prepared people. We know our neighbors and we all shared in the last one and know we can count on each other in the next. The rest, we take as it comes.
Now having said this, I am going to heed my own words and recheck my supplies.
Bob in Woodland Hills