The past is the past
Posted by Cathryn on July 11, 2006 at 01:52:52:

Believe it or not, Petra and I talk daily. Today, two hours. She has her ups and downs, and today was kind of rough. Cancer puts a lot of things in perspective, so we don't dwell on the past but on the better aspects of an eight-year friendship. She is getting some support that she needs, but she is a woman living alone, and that, at times, puts a strain on her emotions.

Someone recently sent her email questioning whether she really had cancer. That hurt her a lot. She is not out of the woods by a long shot, although she thought, briefly, that she was. She had colon cancer, and now has cancer in her lymph nodes and most likely on her thyroid gland. We think she is looking at chemo, but won't know for sure for another week or so. Everything moves so glacially with this test, and that scan, and doctors who just think of you as a lump of meat to take something out of.

I know she reads LIAHO on Earthboppin', so if you want to wish her well, there is a thread going over there for that.
