Alaska concerns
Posted by martin@n.i.c.e. on November 07, 2000 at 10:21:03:

The Aleutian Trench is a long way overdue statistically for a tsunami producing event. I was watching it earlier last year developing strain that signalled a large event on the way, but fortunately the event occured at 7+ ONSHORE on Kodiak island. No Tsunami was produced from that earthquake and it occured on a strike/slip fault. What I am getting concerned about is that recent strain indications point to an epicenter offshore and perhaps carrying strain on a wider fault plane including the Shumagin Gap, an area with a dangerous potential for even 8+ type events. We're right in tsunami alley here on the West side of Vancouver Island, while in my life I've not seen one. I can't hope that we won't see a tsunami sometime in my life, it's a statistical near-impossibility. Just hope for a little warning, for self and others. Any thoughts?...mb