Re: Noah's Ark
Posted by Canie on June 29, 2006 at 20:43:16:

Hey Chris - it seems to be a long shot according to this story..

They say this:
""It wasn't impressive at first," Cornuke said. "Certainly didn't think it to be Noah's Ark. But when we got close, we were amazed. It looked similar (emphasis added) to wood."

In addition, some B.A.SE. members say, their discovery didn't look very distinctive. "

and later..

"The B.A.S.E. Institute's samples are being examined at labs in Texas and Florida. B.A.S.E officials concede that there would be no way to conclusively prove that their finding is actually Noah's Ark.

So the hunt goes on. The biggest hurdle in identifying Noah's Ark comes down to "gopher wood." The Bible says the Ark was made of gopher wood but no one knows what it is."

Maybe there's a lot of 'wanting' to find was a Christian Archeology Team.. Maybe since the turkish government won't let anyone explore.. people are looking elsewhere..
