Re: '4,7 NoCA & Bay Area
Posted by Cal on June 17, 2006 at 15:00:00:

I guess that means Mr. Berkland is wrong too. See his hit and reference to NorCA below. I'm sorry you are so narrow-minded. I can't waste my time on such nonsense. My god, I was born in SJ! The quake happened 28 miles south. Give me a break. You are so wrong.

I have had technical problems getting the May results and June predictions on my Home page, but my Top Window List and p. 8 of my June SYZYGY clearly show a strong Seismic Window from June 11-18, 2006.
The 4.7M this morning near San Martin is the strongest in Santa Clara County in several years. (100% HITfor NorCal).

A 4.6M south of Tijuana is 180 miles south of Los Angeles, wihich puts it in the third ring out of the bullseye (70% HIT for SoCal)

The 6.8M in the Aleutians is 0.2M low (80% HIT for the Ring of Fire)

The 3.2M at Mt. St. Helens was 0.3M low (70% hit for WA/OR)

And there is still three days left in this window.
