Re: The Man Who Predicts...
Posted by Cal on June 01, 2006 at 12:07:17:

Dear Mike,
Where did you get your credentials to be a critic or editor? The fact is, we also did catch a few typos and small errors (this is not uncommon in the publishing world) and they will be corrected in the second printing due out sometime this summer.
Meanwhile, I must admit I had to go to the dictionary to decode "execrable." Defintion: "extremely inferior." Hmmm. BTW: In grad school my major was English (Creative Writing). Yes, the emphasis is in "creative" -- not punctuation and grammar. Sorry. One of my professors wrote on one of my papers: "Writing shows promise but sometimes your imagination is inferiorately immature. Still candor shines through." So, good catch Michael!
So yes, I do have a vivid imagination. And yes, I prob should be writing fiction--my best work. But hey, sometimes in the real world of science Mother Earth does things that happen beyond "a complete suspension of disbelief." Doncha think?