Re: Will The Real Nutter Please Stand Up
Posted by Cathryn on May 30, 2006 at 01:20:31:


Again, thinly-veiled hostility, and for what? I have never referred to you as the Psychic Housewife. And you cite others on this board taking you to task over what I have to assume are imagined slights. (Criticizing your thesis or methodology should not be taken personally.) I read the entirety of all your messages. Good luck with your new group and best of luck with your move to wherever.

Your two "compliments" were sarcastic and snide, and I am not the only one here who took them that way. Furthermore, your prattling on about charging money for my armchair psychology was just plain catty. Own up to your own tactics before critisizing others'.

Thank you for your qualified apology. I guess I have good reason to be glad I am rid of you after all, although I've been nothing but nice to you on this board for seven years and counting. And to think someone called you while you were out of town to dictate or summarize my original post. Wow. I wonder who that could have been... The question (again) is why. Why would someone automatically jump to the conclusion I was talking about you? I made no reference to anyone in particular in my post, yet I've had several people write me off list asking if I was talking about you. Think about that, and what it might mean.

Regarding that post, all I can say is that is if you feel the shoe fits, wear it. If not, ignore it. And with that, I bid you a sad farewell. Good luck with your upcoming surgery, and anything else that might get in your way of achieving your dreams. I wish you nothing but happiness and well being. I have never meant you any harm. I'm sorry that you think I have. Goodbye, have a good life, and try to stay positive.
