Re: ? for Chris or pattern watchers
Posted by chris in suburbia on May 26, 2006 at 05:00:47:
Roger...as Canie said, I've probably run into some kind of time series before. Concerning your suggestion, older ones could change color before they fade out, so that they could stay on screen longer. If you made such an animation, I would look at it but would not do anything with it because I would not know what to do with it. If a few of us on this page looked at it you might get a thread of comments... Headed for Turkey tomorrow, which was a rather large mistake on my part: we may have to drop a proposal to NSF on Palos Verdes/Los Angeles because it is not in good enough shape...the deadline is June 1...and the deadline for the Antarctic program is June 7...and we are doing 2 for that (I am not P.I. on one and not lead on the other). Those latter ones will get done and be polished. But, when I purchased my ticket 2 months ago I thought all the deadlines were June 1 and we would have to be done by May 27 for university review...and I had to take into account schedules of various Turkish scientists. Proposals have zero chance if they are not excellent. I don't get paid if proposals are not funded...and I get along with 50% pay year after year....life in soft money research. .OK...will finish a figure of a USGS seismic reflection profile that crosses the edge of Redondo knoll, which has Cataline schist basement and Miocene volcanic rock outcrop (is offshore Palos Verdes)...then crossing the active right-lateral San Pedro Basin fault...which at that location probably reactivates a Miocene normal fault...the continuing to NE...crossing the San Pedro Escarpment fault, which unlike an interpretation in a major journal published by others in 2004, dips NE...and then up the 700 m-high San Pedro escarpment, which is the seafloor expression of offshore part of Palos Verdes anticlinorium... Chris