Posted by Bob Shannon on October 05, 2000 at 08:14:30:

Jan 04, 1556 830,000 killed in earthquake in Shaanxi China...
1976 Tangshan China 242,000 killed in earthquake.
1906 San Fran 500 Dead--quake
1918 United States...Spanish Flu epidemic.. over 500,000 died..

I would guess the stats need to be clarified a bit. Not many deaths in the US due to quakes but many more than example #1 in China and other Far East locations....AND if one takes the Floods of Noahs Age seriously, then apprx. 11,000 years ago hundreds of thousands killed by what was probably a melted glacier dam near and north of the Aral Sea....which by the way is where the term Aryan is supposed to have originated. Interestingly enough, the separation between Muslim and Christian is a problem from the very starting point ie Abraham...and it continues today in Israel!