Money To Be Made As TV Evangelists
Posted by Don in Hollister on May 19, 2006 at 15:05:07:

Hi All. When you get right down to it Pat is correct. There will be tsunamis along the West Coast as well as the East Coast. There will be earthquakes in the US. There will be floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, windstorms and horrific fires. All of these will occur at one time or another in the future simply because they have occurred in the past. It is just a matter of time and when.

Pat is the person he is because people believe him and believe in him. Does God talk to him? I’m sure in his mind God does and there is nothing we can say or do that will change that. He isn’t going to change, as it wouldn’t serve his purpose to do so. I could say he is laughing all the way to the bank, but I don’t know in fact that he is. Only he knows if he is or isn’t.

There is money in the TV Evangelists market. Not sure how accurate the figures are in the link, but they are probably close. Take Care…Don in creepy town