Re: Insufficient Evidence
Posted by Don in Hollister on May 01, 2006 at 21:28:44:

Hi Glen. No one is an expert on eartones. It’s a learn as you go process. Some have been at it longer then others.

When a tone is heard for the first time it isn’t know specifically where the quake will hit. The direction is known and the distance is know, but not the specific location. It takes a couple of quakes in the same area to learn where that tone is indicating.

If what you gave Petra was correct she gave you two possible locations based on what she knows about eartones for the given areas. She said San Felipe and Lone Pine and was more inclined to go south as opposed to going towards the east.

As far as you posting your eartones that is your prerogative. No one is forcing you to do something your not comfortable with. Take Care…Don in creepy town

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Insufficient Evidence - Glen  21:41:04 - 5/1/2006  (36693)  (1)
        ● For Glen - Petra  23:50:51 - 5/1/2006  (36696)  (0)