Experimental Only
Posted by Glen on April 30, 2006 at 00:48:21:


I think it is a good idea to have disaster supplies on hand all the time. Just know that my predictions are experimental and are part of a larger pattern analysis study. I have attempted to constrain the region and timing of my predictions, which has lowered my success rate dramtically. Either way, the San Jacinto will be active, and will eventually produce another 6+ quake.

I have been watching the area south of the trifurcation of the main fault. The fault splits into three branches; the Buck Ridge, the Clark Lake and the Coyote Creek faults. The recent spate of micros have crossed all three faults in an east-west strike which would suggest some form of cross fault activation. To the north, a second swarm has occurred on the main branch, with little or no activity on the Loma Casa, the southern end defining the Anza Seismic Gap. it is a very interesting pattern. The depth of the quakes are also interesting. Will it pop? We will see.


Follow Ups:
     ● Casa Loma  - Glen  01:05:59 - 4/30/2006  (36661)  (0)