Re: Talk Radio & Evaluations
Posted by Petra on April 22, 2006 at 15:22:48:

Hi Marc & Don & Canie,

I called the hospital last night to inquire if it was time to take a trip over there and they said, "Not Yet." Ok, no problem, I can wait. I have to either wait to see the specialist or go to the emergency room, whichever comes first. I'd hate to take bets on that one. I'm fairly sure its a bleeding ulcer as my doctor said the first time; but then a week later he said it might be a tumor. I like him a lot, but he gives out to much information.

I felt quite good when I got up this morning and I had thoughts of driving down to Marin, getting on the Ferry and taking a hike on Catalina Island. It vaguely reminds me of Catalina Island. But I thought, I had better not do that.

Then I thought I would figuratively demolish John's UCLA building and wow, right in the middle of it I got a great idea for the Seismic Safety Commission to legislate during what may be their last year and sent that down the pike. If they are going down, then the last year should be the best. Have you ever stood in front of a building and tried to imagine what it looks like after an earthquake strikes? It's very cool. It feels a lot like War Games. LOL

I'm really curious about earthquake lights. That phosphorescent glow over the hillsides where earthquakes occur. So far no sightings have preceded earthquakes in a short period of time and yet the description is much like what mystical people say they see around humans', an aura. If that's generated by our body electric, then what happens in an earthquake fault that makes it the same? Maybe its aseismic slip? Perhaps when the rocks are grinding slowly the electric rock emission and certain weather conditions bring on this light show? I don't know.

Something's going on at WAPMERR. Their mail is bouncing. It says they have exceeded their bandwidth. That's an interesting thing. I wonder if it's going to shut down. I haven't heard any rumors of Max's early demise. We learned years ago to appreciate from afar. Talk about a pair of hot heads in the same room, ah geez. He said we are both intense personalities. I hate to say it, but I think he's right and I hate to give him credit for anything, except being a darn good scientist and a great story teller.

Oh well, time for Poca Siesta.
