Prediction Woodside to San Juan Bautista
Posted by Petra Challus on September 20, 2000 at 23:29:08:

Earthquake Prediction by Petra Challus

Dates: 9/20/00 06:00AM UTC to 9/30/00 07:00AM UTC

Location : San Andreas Fault

Between : Woodside, CA Latitude 37.2548N Longitude 122.1510W
San Juan Bautista, CA Latitude 36.5044N Longitude 121.3213W

69.2 Miles Distance from Woodside to San Juan Bautista

Magnitude At Woodside 3.5, Gilroy 4.0, Hollister 4.5, SJB 5.0

The above based on right ear tone this afternoon. Sound was loud and long.

Follow Ups:
     ● "Revised" Prediction San Juan Bautista - Petra Challus  20:09:13 - 9/21/2000  (3652)  (1)
        ● Re: "Revised" Prediction San Juan Bautista - Alan Jones  06:07:24 - 9/22/2000  (3655)  (1)
           ● Re: "Revised" Prediction San Juan Bautista - Petra Challus  21:02:52 - 9/22/2000  (3658)  (0)