Re: California Tornado List
Posted by Skywise on April 16, 2006 at 15:33:54:

Thanks for the link. Too bad it only goes to 2000, though, as more recently I had one go over my head.

I was at work satring out the main warehouse door on a stormy day when suddenly the wind really picked up. Trash and leaves and dirt started flying all over the place, swirling about. I stepped outside to get a better look a the coulds thinking a cloud burst was about to occur. I looked up right into a swirling mass of clouds. Not a tornado, nor any funnel. Later when I got home and turned on the news I learned that due east of me, the direction the whirlwind was going, a tornado had touched down and caused minor damage. If only I had my camera.

Much earlier, back in the early 90's, an apparent tornado went by a couple blocks from where I used to live, uprooting a few trees.

Both of these incidents were in Orange County. Yes, we get tornados in California.
