Posted by Barbara on April 11, 2006 at 09:09:30:

In other words, folks, lighten up a bit!

Petra was just being Petra. Her personality is like a gem in its raw state -- multi-faceted, uncut and interesting. She's from a different mold. The world would be a pretty boring place if we were all the same. (But maybe that's what some of you want on this website?)

I may not agree with her ear tone theory or hypothesis or postulate, whatever it would be called scientifically, but she has a right to espouse it if she so desires. And we, the rest of us, have every right to question it. She should be willing to accept that in return.

The jump rope posting was way off-topic, but I doubt that she'd go there again.

So, stop with the bickering, the whining, the whimpering, the run-her-out-of-this-website-on-a-rail attitude. I vote for Petra to return.

And if one doesn't like her postings -- one doesn't have to read them. Simple.
