Re: Bickering
Posted by Cal on April 10, 2006 at 11:45:20:

Dear Jane,
Well said. I almost jumped in but decided to observe. After Petra left the board it is like it died. Everyone was quiet. Very eerie like before a great quake.
I do feel Joan was too harsh. I do feel Petra was dishing out everything we (didn't) need to know but were afraid to ask. But under the circumstances I feel we owed it to her (she has given a lot to this board) to listen and even respond.
Folks can be mean on the Internet. After the Indian Ocean quake-tsunami of 2004, AOL people answered a poll. Their comments were cruel. Recently, another AOL poll addressed an issue about a quake in CA. Again, nasty remarks.
The point is, everywhere people do bicker and can be narrow-minded. When the topic is earthquake prediction and preparedness, I can tell you from experience, that peoples' emotions and egos get ruffled.
So, what is that saying we were taught as kids? If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

P.S. If Petra leaves it will leave a void.