Re: oil seeping out of the ground
Posted by chris in suburbia on March 13, 2006 at 05:37:47:

I expressed an interest in the seeps at the time...but someone has to measure this systematically or it is of limited use...and I'm not able to do this. I disagree with John V this time and agree with Petra (surprise) on the LA the pressures are being manipulated by oil production including fluids for enhanced recovery. Also...for a lot of LA the older rocks are buried very you might see a quicker response to deep pressure changes at the surface in the area of that seep than at 5 km depth in the middle of LA basin (I could go on more about this). I don't know of any systematic daily effort to monitor pressures...sure, the oil companies are doing that in active fields, but are seismologists making use of these data? Are they correcting for all the man-related perturbations? Let's see, compared to quakes proposed to kill 3000 to 18000, would it be worth spending a couple million to do a metro-wide study....probably "yes" IMHO.

I work on Antarctic stuff with a UCSB professor who studies the seeps right off the UCSB campus...these are some of the largest in the world. But, I'm not aware of a regular monitoring of these...especially of the one off of Goleta Beach that is farther from producing field. On clear days, you could monitor this by satellite (or maybe even with other frequencies that see through the low overcast..). Might be interesting if daily over a period of decades, but would have to be corrected for oil field activities..