Caribbean And Puerto Rico Earthquakes???
Posted by Don in Hollister on February 23, 2006 at 01:57:40:

Hi All. One of the advantages of living a life of pain is that you don’t sleep very much unless it’s a drug induced sleep, which isn’t to my liking. In order to take the mind off the pain I read a lot, watch late night movies, or get on the computer and see what I can dig up that might be of interest to people.

While looking for some history in regards to the Gulf of Mexico faults and earthquakes I came across an interesting article about the Caribbean area and Puerto Rico in particular. The thing that caught my attention were the number of M=7.0 and greater quakes that have been recorded at Puerto Rico. The first recorded one was in 1670 and the last was in 1946. Why the sudden shut down of M=7.0 quakes in the region? Did the area run out of steam and if so when and will the cycle start again? Is there a cycle? At present there is no way of knowing. Lots of questions, but not many answers. Take Care…Don in creepy town

“The region has a long history of destructive earthquakes. Historical records show that major earthquakes have struck the Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands region many times during the past 500 years although the locations and sizes of events that occurred more than a few decades ago are poorly known. Major earthquakes, greater than magnitude 7.0, damaged Puerto Rico in 1670, 1787, 1831, 1844, 1846, 1865, 1867, 1875, 1890, 1906, 1918, 1943 and 1946. The 1867,1918 and 1946 earthquakes were accompanied by destructive tsunamis.”