Re: Musson's method in action
Posted by Petra on February 17, 2006 at 20:28:30:


Good for you. You need some press. But honestly, if you want to be in Jordan's program don't wait for someone to give you permission to let it be known you have an interest. People who sit on the sidelines in life are rarely noticed. And as for the Swiss, don't be intimiated by the out of towners. You've had more practical experience working on CA quakes than they have. Come on, ignore those guys. Do you own thing. Wouldn't you just kick yourself if you found out a year from now they could have used you and you never said anything? That's how it happens.

I see two camps here at work:
A. The one that heard what Jordan had to say at his conference.
B. Those who think they know what he might do.

I wonder which one is the truth? Is he proposing one thing in public and another behind the scenes? I doubt it. He didn't seem to be that kind of person. So if he is as honest as everyone says, he'll do what he said at his conference and let the particpating parties bring their own programs to him and demonstrate how they work or don't with their own guidelines. They fail if they don't meet their own program requirements. He doesn't judge them. That's what he said. I've got three pairs of ears that heard that whom I can call as witnesses and about sixty scientists who sat behind us. And one whom Don and I know personally. He's totally credible.

Give it some thought before you give up. I have the e-mail address if you want it.
