Re: Follow-up - Ants
Posted by Canie on July 24, 2000 at 08:28:06:

I've been following another story on another mail list I'm on about Ants.

It appears this woman has recently moved into a home in Encino - they had the place treated for Ants last week and the exterminator said it might drive the ants in and things may get worse before it gets better - it certainly did that - she had ants absolutely everywhere in the house - by her description she was ready to leave they were everywhere and she has cats and doesn't want to have poison put out.

This has all been happening this week and last - the main invasion I guess was saturday - when I asked her about it she says:
Actually, I just recently moved into this house. It's in the hills and *everyone* told me to get a pest control company as soon as we moved in because every house in this area has an ant problem. The previous owner had a company that sprayed the outside bimonthly. I guess that old spray wore off and we just started getting the ants back last week.

So I don't know if it means anything quake-wise or if its just business as usual over in Encino...


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Follow-up - Ants&Termites - Beth  09:19:38 - 7/24/2000  (3292)  (1)
        ● Re: Follow-up - Ants&Termites - Dennis Gentry of Santa Clarita  10:23:26 - 7/24/2000  (3294)  (1)
           ● Re: Follow-up - Ants&Termites& Now Chantry Flats/Punchbowl - Beth  12:36:20 - 7/24/2000  (3295)  (1)
              ● Re: Follow-up - Ants&Termites& Now Chantry Flats/Punchbowl - Dennis Gentry in Santa Clarita  19:23:56 - 7/24/2000  (3297)  (0)