Re: Prediction Issued
Posted by Bob Shannon on July 06, 2000 at 05:39:56:

>>>Hi Bob,

>You've had a lot of years in tuning into the >frequency that gives you the impression an >earthquake is coming in a particular area. So >for you, I have an interesting question that I >think other sensitive people might find useful >in your response.

>They say the adult human goes through some kind >of biochemical change every 7 years. In looking >at your work for quite a number of years you >would have gone through these biochemical >changes during that time. Have you ever noticed >that even when you were in Mendo that you had >times when you were more attunded and other >times less and for what period of time you >remained on target and when off?

Absolutely! Whole periods of months when I was off consistently....oddly at times I was off by also a consistent time---such as 2 weeks ahead. At those times I was also having many false positives---quakes in my area wihtout prediction.
The most notable of these times was when my father died in 1995. Prior to that I had a fairly consistent 68% hit rate. Following his death I dropped to 36% and stayed there for months. The klast quake I predicted happened more by chance, in Ohio, on the day he died. A rather unusual quake---I called him to tell him and instead he told me he was waiting for the ambulance...He died hours later at age 83. He led a good life with the same bio-neuro disease I have with one excecption. He was able to hold down a steady job for over 30 with the DOD as a GS 13 in a top level security position....I was and remain humbled!
