Re: Helmut
Posted by marc / berkeley on December 16, 2005 at 09:10:36:

Spooky and sad to hear. On Wapole Island we have been downwind of a Dow chemical plant for the last 40 years or so. We now have a high number of cancers occurring where cancer never existed. The odd thing tho is that it is not the same type of cancer, which is odd. In most epidemological studies they look for tumors and liver toxicity, usually in the same spots of the body to determine a common source. Not things like leukemia, grave's disease, thyroid imbalances, extremely unusual and allergies, etc. Since we have a high rate of alcoholism, liver toxicity is also harder to prove. We are also seeing autism, mental redardation and down's syndrome at a higher rate in the children (where it also never existed before). Yet, our science isn't advanced enough to place the blame at anyone's doorstep yet.

So it's hard without good evidence to say the Santa Rosa Islands are the source, but it IS eerie.

A statistical fluke? maybe, but then again maybe not!