Re: Prediction History/The VAN Case
Posted by Petra Challus on June 27, 2000 at 13:04:12:

Thank you Roger and Gerry for your assistance. I asked Varotsos for an interview so I could hear his side of the story. He acknowledged receipt of my e-mail, however has failed to reply to my request. As I told him, there are two sides to every story and I wanted to know his. I wish to be fair to those who judge their methods and his assessment of those decisions.

I totally agree that knowledge should be shared by everyone, however, from time to time some people don't want to share it. Last year I had an offer from a family friend to write a story about seismology for publishing in National Geographic. I wrote two highly favorable stories about the Parkfield Project and advised the Parkfield Group I was doing so. Shortly after sending my stories to the publisher, he suddenly said I had confused him with someone else and in the end I lost having one of the two stories published.

Recently I wanted to know if the Parkfield Group was still having their public meetings and I wanted to know if the topic of the Earthscope project was on the agenda and the where and when of these meetings. While the scientist was willing to answer my questions regarding Earthscope, he fell silent on allowing me access to the information about the meetings. While I expressed to him I am not in favor of spending $17,000,000 for a six year period to bore a hole under Middle Mountain, I am open to learning more about the project and understanding its scientific value.

When I get finished writing my book about earthquake prediction, its history, the people who have played a large roll in these efforts, the favorable aspects as well as those less so, I'm going to be sure to give it to a publishing house where there is little likelihood of anyone attempting to keep me from getting published. To remain neutral is difficult and one needs to hear every side of every issue to be fair to everyone. But for some, they don't want you to know and they will go to great lengths to make sure it never reaches the public.

Not planning on becoming the female Salmon Rushdie...From North of the Bay....Petra