Re: Friday Update/Dog Leg Rocks
Posted by Bob Shannon on June 25, 2000 at 08:59:56:

Dennis Said:
"Before each of the Ridgecrest quakes we had only 1 occurrence of the ants in the thousands. I think the bees would be something interesting to keep tabs on as they "are" sensitive to changes in the magnetic field. As to the ants, I'll get rid of them when they come into the house, but I won't have the whole house and property fumagated to get rid of them since they are an indicator."

Bob suggested:-0
I am allergic to most of those pesticides and such. Tried to use the bombs a couple of times but it was a week before I got back into the house. One gets the notion that there are so many, unless they are destroying the foundation or such, they are a balance in nature....After all the common roach is one that has been here way before humans.....Can you just hear what roaches would say if they had memories and could talk...."Hey remember that big quake about 2 million years ago!!! Knocked me right off my rock!"
