Re: good link
Posted by Don in Hollister on December 04, 2005 at 14:25:16:

Hi John. When KBs prediction for Southern California was released I made a little bet with myself that most people weren’t going to bat an eye. I was right. Most didn’t and some even ignored it.

I have a captured audience so to speak in the mobile home park where I live. When I talk to people here about the next major quake most say they have already lived through one major quake so the next one isn’t going to be a problem. Others say there isn’t anything we can do about it. When it comes time for us to go we will go by the means God has chosen for us.

The one reason I hear the most for not getting ready for the next quake is that they have enough problems with present time that they don’t have the time, or money to prepare for a quake that might not occur in the time they have left. One person said they could have enough water and food for a month, have a fall stop system installed on their home and then have a fatal heart attack when the quake strikes.

The problem, which may not be a problem, but more of a way of adapting to being told time and time again about the next major quake that hasn’t happened and indeed may not happen in their lifetime.

Indeed the next major quake may not happen in my lifetime, but I not going to bet on that. Take Care…Don in creepy town