Re: Science and private predictors
Posted by Bob Shannon on June 19, 2000 at 08:34:39:

You said;
A person would think that if there was a lot of press/grandstanding going on, Andy would have made mention of it.
Me said:-)
I agree now...but in '95 Andy was much more cloistered behind USGS. These last few years he has found himself in a defensive position and I know he doesn't like it. He doesn't even acknowledge if he can help it....but in all honesty...if I were him, I think I would take the same path after all the edu science years.
Agree totally on his comments as per debunking Jacks "stuff". And I can see why over the years---you would rather keep your own practices to yourself. Makes good common sense....yet your predictions are pretty much based on "things", while mine are based in emotion. Emotion is a lot easier to mock, laugh at etc.....and most sceptics just pass it by. I still contend that emotion is based in science in many ways....but strict scientists abhore my "presumtious" posts......and I have also taken my share of beatings over the I go on obfuscating and such.......what the heck...Alto Concentric Radii based on Scroedingers Cat is cool:-) and it builds me a secondary "hedge". In this area I REALLY need a hedge from time to time....

BTW I agree about changes of location for me.....but it may takes years for me to become accustomed to this area with its lack of Q's...and furthermore I may not be here that long.....another filtering problem......Stay tuned!
