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Re: What's Up Doc? |
Hello Dr. C. and all, Sorry to jump down your throat on the Capitals issue, but for some reason, I didn't make the connection as Doc being you. I thought it was someone else. It does get confusing. Rather like the movies Hopscotch or Murder by Death. The sensitives issue will continue to be a sensitives issue until what one feels can be translated in and equipment issue. Everyone knows that when you break a rock in a lab, it generates an electrical signal. For some reason senstive people can hear this electrical sound, just like the way electric lines run or even in asking, how does the telephone work? Last year in working in my study area, I found the electric sound does not travel upwards, but outwards. This is an interesting discovery from my point of view, because now I have gone a step further in clarifying how this sound travels. Therefore, its a fruitless effort to place instrumentation right on top of a fault. When we look at the human being, it has many facets of ability to ferret out information. For some who are only "right brain" users, most of the truly interesting events in life will pass them right by. However, for those who are part left brain and part right brain, a whole panorama of experience becomes open to them. But with them if you place stress or illness about them, then they become totally "right brain." It is said that we only use about 10% of our mental capabilities and I am absolutely certain that is correct. But do we wonder why we have the other 90%? Its there for a reason and I believe the reason is for expanded consciouness, to see where others do not see, to experience life is a totally different dimensional level. In some simpler ways we can ask, who remembers their dreams? Of those, how many dreams per night do they remember? Do they understand why they are dreaming of the topics they dream about? I do and have for quite a number of years. Then we have another interesting phenomena that is about a 40/60 split in experience and that is, why do some people see ghosts where others don't? For anyone who has seen one, you cannot convince them they are not real, but for those who haven't they either don't believe in them, or they find it curious but uncertain. I've seen them since I was five years old. No one ever told me they existed or didn't, I just saw them. Therefore, people of the "seventh sense" I believe have a valid experience, however, like all other experiences, they are all tempered by what is happening in their life. When calm the sound is as perceptible as a train passing, but when upset, it doesn't work worth a darn. So I have concluded, to be accurate all of the time, we need an instrument of some variety, so humans don't become involved and find failure some part of the time. I can say this with 100% accuracy. At some point in time there will be 8.0 earthquakes in these locations. Alaska, Japan, South America and Austrailia. The Los Angeles basin will be struck by an earthquake around a 7.4. The devastation it leaves it its wake will be enormous. One out of every six people will die and five out of the six will become homeless in the cold of winter. When I've seen what will happen before it ever arrives and no one pays attention, it bothers me greatly, but its not up to me to send the warning, its up to those who have the scientific skills to catch up with me and make those life saving warnings. I am a simple woman who for some oddball reason can see into the future before it arrives. I can't explain it, it just is. But what I do have is a brain that works on both sides and the ability to ferret out information that in some form, I pray, will one day tell everyone to wake up and smell the coffee because what lies in their futures, if not prepared, is on the list of worst case probabilities. Right about now my stomach is wrenching because I feel as though I'm screaming at the top of my voice to make an important statement. The arrival of earthquake prediction should already be here, but for the influence of politics, power, failure to assess the ability of the common man to receive a warning in an unthreatening manner, it is absent. When Columbus said the world was round he was highly critisied, when Kennedy said, put a man on the moon, even though the technology wasn't there at the time, one group stood and delivered and one Neil Armstrong exited the lunar lander and said, "one small step for man, one large step for mankind." Somewhere on this planet there is another group that one day is going to take the big terrestial leap and predict earthquakes in an unobtrusive manner and the public will willingly listen and be thankful for the warning. I'll be the one on the sidelines waving my pom poms and cheering. Smile, Its Sunday! or perhaps Monday at your end...Pat Follow Ups: ● Re: What's Up Doc? - Roger Musson 05:56:39 - 6/20/2000 (3140) (2) ● Re: What's Up Doc? - Pat In Petaluma 07:24:12 - 6/20/2000 (3142) (1) ● Australian quakes - Roger Musson 02:53:50 - 6/21/2000 (3146) (0) ● Re: What's Up Doc? - Roger Musson 06:00:31 - 6/20/2000 (3141) (1) ● Re: What's Up Doc? - Canie 15:53:33 - 6/21/2000 (3148) (0) |
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