Re: Will No Longer Post Predictions
Posted by Petra on November 23, 2005 at 22:12:41:
Hey Don, I've gotten used to being picked as clean as a cooked turkey, but I still do my thing anyway. Come on, don't give up yet. Things are just starting to looking promising. Who knows, by the end of the year it could get really, really interesting. If you give up now you'll miss all of the fireworks. Hey, when I hopefully predict the first 7.0 for California I want you standing right beside me with your own prediction going. It won't be any fun if you're not there. So come on, let the birds pick and be glad you're there so they have something to talk about. LOL And if Judy is right, something to talk about may be right around the corner.. Oooo.... I wonder if Tarapaca, Antofagausta or some other place in Chile is ready to rock and roll again. Petra