Posted by Bob Shannon on June 06, 2000 at 10:16:51:

This small disagreement seems to be about pride. I know because I have been there....having suffered mentally for over 20 years due to earth stress and working hard to find a mechanism or trigger, I am hard to pinpoint---as I have no degree or real expertize in Geology. As many years as I have been reading s.g.e--I have learned little...and I think it is because I try to stick with my schtick as they say. So many in science have disagreed with my notions that I gave up defending myself a long time ago.

Its ok to have a false positives etal; and its ok to be wrong sometimes. Obviously if we were always right, things would be drastically different. Einesteins theorys are now coming into big question. A newly published article in Nature suggests that "something" may go faster than light, including the light itself....Light is quoted in the Bible many times....and in Tao of Physics it is pointed out that light can be both particle and wave. Impossible? Who knows....we keep looking to resolve pi with fancy computers but there is no end to it...Does that make math still a hypothesis? Maybe....but we have to have room to disagree...and that takes something only humans have....patience.....
