Posted by Robert Baum on November 18, 2005 at 05:56:40:
Hi, My daughter did a science fair project using animal behavior to predict earthquakes. For the lost animals she charted seperatly cats, dogs and others using three colors on the same graph. She found that cats were more likely to predict quakes. She also found a lag time of two to three days before people reported their animals missing. Another indicator was road kill. The more there was, the better likelyhood of a quake. She also found weather changes could alter the results, so she added a weather report to each days record. She did as well watching our then three cats and two dogs behavior as she did the charting of missing animals. Her results were interesting and she was able to predict several quakes within tho ,three days of occurance but not as to where and how strong. She also found the further away the quake was, the less was the strange behavior. We also had horses at the time and they were good predictors of 3.5 and better quakes. We had one that would not go into its barn if there was going to be a quake. Bob in Woodland Hills