Suggestion for Canie...
Posted by mrrabbit on November 09, 2005 at 01:55:27:

Additional forum rules if they don't exist already...

1. Dont' start another thread on a topic already in discussion unless participants agree to it in order to ease the tree-reading burden...

2. Don't request an "accountability" implementation or state a need for it and then when someone starts to take it seriously - shoot it down, talk it down, or "weasel" out...if someone is not serious about it - they shouldn't bring it up. It's tokenism...

Suggested action...ban 'em!

Basically I'm refering to the "registry" of predictions threads...two of 'em.

(Still awaiting suggestions...on the original bail-outs...but suggestions, i.e., refinements...such as the minimal, basics, etc.)


(Or please start a new one, close the first two...and note "for serious participants please"...)



Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Suggestion for Canie... - Canie  20:48:05 - 11/9/2005  (30267)  (0)
     ● Re: Suggestion for Canie... - Cathryn  18:33:46 - 11/9/2005  (30246)  (0)