Re: Peeps are just more informed
Posted by Petra on October 14, 2005 at 17:56:58:


It was the Seismic Safety Commission who created the video with a lot of input from Lucy Jones. Its a 27 minute safety video which was supposed to air last year in SoCal. But I haven't heard anyone say that they know about it or have seen it.

In October 1969 when the twin Santa Rosa quakes hit, I was watching TV in Richmond, CA and I saw a newscaster on TV in SF and his eyes were as wide as saucers and I'm thinking, gee, he must be feeling an earthquake. A few seconds later I heard the hedge bushes outside of the house shaking and then I felt the earthquake roll through. That was so strange. But its such a classic example of how people in different area's feel earthquakes, though they aren't that far away. I suppose when the next RCF quake rolls through, SF will be reminded they will feel it with more intensity and before the East Bay does.

I love earthquakes....but gosh, we haven't had a shaking here in ages.
