Re: LA Caught In A Squeeze Play
Posted by chris in suburbia on October 13, 2005 at 02:40:41:

I'll have to email Argus and say he should add the offshore Santa Monica-Dume fault to his figure...our representation of this fault is now part of the SCEC Community fault model. And, the fault that he does show along the southern Santa Monica Mounatins, the Malibu Coast fault, should be left-reverse oblique there. There is a workshop I am attending in 2 weeks that will discuss the Argus article and the faults around northern LA basin. I think Shaw et al have a good handle on the Puente Hills least that it is there. No, the shortening seen by GPS is not taken up by the Sierra Madre...that was a surprise...not taken up because the Sierra Madre is North dipping and the shortening is in its footwall to the south. One question I keep raising on this page and at SCEC meetings is...why not a megathrust? Why not a source for M8 earthquakes? What is causing the folding west of San Clemente Island and near and west of San Nicolas Island? There is a 1994 NEHRP technical report by Davis and Namson that model such a megathrust...they draw it in. Their ramp-flat model cannot be correct, but they have the only model I have seen that can explain these far offshore folds. See my abstract posted below on an earlier thread...