Re: Italy, N
Posted by Antonio Romino on May 09, 2000 at 11:54:46:

Surely the Neic in these days could have report a 4.8,but it will be not a true 4.8, it will be formed by a sequence of shocks around 3.0 3.5 and how better near 4.0.
As I said in my previous post, my seismic day, I had got at March/25, that predicted(for the first one after three months of predictions)an INTERMITTING sequence of shocks(one every 5 or 10MM in a perception of 600MM, for this one, more than 50 on mag 3.0 3.5) are occurring from several days and they'll go on yet.
IF there will be an EQ of 4.8(integral) I'll feel others precursors will warn me.
I'm to 400km from epicenter, enough near to feeling well. For now only "m" and "m", for an integral 4.8 it will need "M" and "H"*.
I'll care. Thank Martin from Italy.Antonio

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