Posted by Antonio Romino on April 15, 2000 at 10:55:36:
25>/20000325/RSA 8 or 9/600MM// ----//zona Appeninica centro-sud/intermitting shocks on 3.0 or 3.5/from apr25 to may01/50%/note: maybe Stromboli's eruption 20% 26>/20000327/RSA 8 or 9/Mw// ----//4 or 5 replies in zone as above on 3.0 or 3.5/from apr27 to may03/50% 27>/20000409/RSA 3 or 8/480MM// ----//Lat 42.5,Lon 12.5/intermitting shocks on 2.0 2.5 3.0/from may09 to may14/50% (?)(27 bis>/20000409/anomaly in perception zone/3MM// ----// 5 shocks on 4.0 4.5, if the shocks will be joined, the EQ will occur >5.0/from may09 to may14/20%)(?) 28>/20000409/RDB 13/0,5MM// ----//identifying zone/4.0 and 8 replies, the 5th on 3.8/from may09 to may14/50% 29>/20000409/RSA 3/0,5MM// ----//Lat42.5,Lon 12.5/4.0/from may09 to may14/50%/2 replies on 2.5 will follow