Minor Corrections
Posted by Petra on July 22, 2005 at 17:46:57:


You know how I am about inconsistencies. I just can't stand anything to be somewhat wrong. The noise you mentioned as "humming" wasn't humming, but "buzzing." To some people they might not know the difference, but I'd like to invite anyone to say BUZZ and HUMM, that should claify a bit. I've heard that buzzing sound before when being right next to power transformers or lots of power lines. But it is darn hard to understand why that sound occurs where there is absolutely nothing electrical in the area. And it isn't area wide either. The majority of the sound occurred between the rocks on one side of the highway to the others, but once moving away from there, I couldn't hear it anymore.

As to irritating you when you drive, well what the (blank) do you think is going on over on my side of the car? You get the two fingers up raspberry for that! Pfft!

The buffet at Jackson wasn't $12.00 a plate, it was only $9.00 because I had my players club card....ha ha...but you didn't eat the fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy which were excellent. I'm not sure what kind of BBQ meat they put on my plate, but if a steak knife won't cut it, then it falls into the inedible category for sure. I'll pass on that the next time.

So that this note ends on the up side, let me say this for those who don't know. The USFS office at Mammoth's Visitor Center is providing geo-tours several times a week at various locations which include Horeshoe Lake, Mono-Inyo Craters and Hot Creek along with several others and they will do so at least until Memorial Day. If you are bothered by altitude, skip Mono-Inyo Craters as it requires a stiff jaunt up the hillside and that may prove too taxing for some. The rest is easy if you don't have a broken foot. Those gents are aces, a compendium of knowledge and fun too.

Love It...Petra