Posted by Pat In Petaluma on March 02, 2000 at 05:20:24:
P.S. :-) Roger, I think you know I like you very much and about this time last year I used to get up at 4AM, which I am again today and Roger Bilham and I would argue. He was living in Colorado then, but is now at Oxford. Frankly, I miss him greatly. But in time I learned to see his point of view regarding retrofitting, structural engineering and the need in foreign countries for all work to prevent structural failure. Twenty years ago I undertook a study to determine if psychic phenomena and spirituality had any value in everyday life. Of course I learned that it did, but in this study, which began in helping the Richmond, CA police department in finding the body of a dead woman to trying to use my abilities alongside of the scientific instruments and see if there is a way to bridge the gap and find something that is missing in earthquake prediction. I believe it exists, but like everything that is new, it needs time to be tested, measured, refined and studied to death. So in that light, let's look forward instead behind. This is a potential earthquake that I believe will occur, but I am looking for the signs of when. Location: San Gregario Fault, due west of Loma Prieta. Just off shore. Magnitude: 7.0 Why? I've had a series of dreams that began about a year ago and I'll outline them, so you can see how I arrived at this hypotheses. 1. I was at Point Reyes and I saw a man there and all around I could see that there had been a small tidal wave. I asked him if he had seen my girlfriend and he said he hadn't. 2. I was being shown on a map earthquakes, like the USGS maps. I saw under Loma Prieta and I was told that because of the stress from there a resulting earthquake would occur west of that location. When the earthquake was studied the cause would be attributed to the "seismic gap theory." 3. I saw the number seven. There was a timeline marker in red running down the right side of the seven and it was at the halfway point. So taking this information I began to study the San Gregario Fault and look for clues. I wanted to take the little scientific knowledge I have and put it to good use. From the onset of having the tidal wave dream I "felt" it occurred from something that happened to the south. So I watched and began to notice just off shore, near Watsonville and a little north, small earthquakes occuring. Then I searched out the meters in the area to see what was available online that I could use to get to know and monitor. Then I attended a lecture at the AGU Convention and I was amazed to hear a scientist talking about this same area, using the Coulomb Hypotheses and saying that in his study he had determined the USGS assessment of this area having a 10% earthquake probability was in error and it was at 25% for long term probability and thus matched the San Andreas, the Hayward and Rodgers Creek Fault probabilties. One night I began to read the abstracts submitted to the AGU and came across "b value" and thought I might want to use this method to determine ahead of time, the b value rating for this area and throw that in with the mix. So in this, it for me, has become a considerable study. However, if you could imagine one like me to have the ability to work with a scientist who knows this area and knows everything that is necessary in fault study, then take that, combine it with watching lunar and tidal data, lost animals, the Calistoga Geyser and in the end look for clues from people who are sensitive, it would be a difficult earthquake to miss. But you see, today the scientist, in the most part is not unlike the policeman of times past. They were taught how to work with psychics in solving crimes and today it is perfectly acceptable, but in science, not yet. But I think you know I cannot stand silent and let people become victims of a potential earthquake. In a more perfect world, with a warning, you can't save them all, but if you saved only one, it would be worth the effort. In that though, people need to know how to keep safe and that's why I presented my nationwide plan for earthquake safety education. They need to know they can survive, even if they have a prediction. I am only one person and there needs to be many hands at the wheel this time, but finding those hands is most difficult. Today I have so many issues to address and things that must be attended to that I cannot devote the time to study that this requires and it has concerned me greatly that with everything that is occurring that I am going to miss something. In this what seems a little place, there used to be a group that when working together hardly ever missed an earthquake. Today, they are scattered like the wind and no longer have a place to work together. While they will tell me what they sense and feel, they cannot be here together to share the early warning system. The answer to earthquake prediction is not in one single instrument or one person, its in loving people enough to set aside any differences to allow someone else to have the opportunity to live. And as always, I say, "is it so much to ask?" Unfortuntely, it is. I rest my case....Pat in Petaluma