Re: Prediction Hit for Don!
Posted by Don in Hollister on July 06, 2005 at 20:50:12:

Hi Roger. Here is my prediction. It says what you said except for the magnitude. I don’t have the magnitude and don’t expect I ever will. I was hopping that maybe the scientist can get it, but at the rate they are going I’m not going to hold my breath. There are times they seem to be more interested in getting papered then pooling their knowledge and helping one another find the answer. Take Care…Don in creepy town

Hi All. Looks like the prediction bug has bitten me again. Looking for a M>2.6 to M>3.9 quake to occur at 37.293N/121.935W. This is about a mile northeast of Campbell, California.

Should occur on 07/03/05. The window will open on 07/01/05 and close on 07/06/05. The radius for this will be 35Km. Take Care…Don in creepy town