Re: looks as expected to me
Posted by Canie on June 06, 2005 at 09:59:34:

Yes - this is what I learned at a cal-tech seminar on the gps network.. not so important to look at any one gps station, but to look at that gps station relative to another gps and see how the motion is different from one side to the other...

There used to be a website where you could plot 2 or more gps sites against each other to see relative motion... I can't quite find it now. Part of the scign site or JPL...


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: looks as expected to me - Canie  10:07:58 - 6/6/2005  (26279)  (1)
        ● GPS-relative - chris in suburbia  04:27:46 - 6/7/2005  (26282)  (1)
           ● Re: GPS-relative - Canie  13:59:53 - 6/7/2005  (26286)  (1)
              ● Islands rising - chris in suburbia  16:36:17 - 6/8/2005  (26299)  (0)