SSA April Meeting - John Question
Posted by Petra on May 08, 2005 at 21:25:01:


I was reviewing the presentations for your recent meeting and I was tremendously surprised to see Earthquake Safety as the Headliner for a couple of days. Could you comment on the presentations. Do you feel the attendees benefitted from the material? Was there anything new in this regard?

I see Max Wyss made a presentation on the difficulties one has with estimating casualties after an earthquake. I still do not know how this relates to earthquake science though it could be quite useful for ground personnel in making plans, if the information is correct and there is a means to get to the victims. Though one could estimate 10,000 casualties if you can't get there it doesn't much matter what you have if you can't use it. What do you think?

And lastly, was there anything new, like in seismo-tech that you'd like to share with us?


Follow Ups:
     ● wasn't there - John Vidale  21:31:18 - 5/8/2005  (25902)  (0)