EARTH AND SUN DIGEST 2005/05/05 Volcanic Week After Lunar Perigee
Posted by Canie on May 05, 2005 at 15:52:14:

The Past Week Ticker
, T26, W27, Th28/6.3M, F29, Sa30, Su01, M02, T03, W04, Th05/V10.6
MTWThFSaSu-days of week; 6M-quake, V8-volcano, MC or XC-solar flare, GS30-geomagnetic storm

Moon Phases and Orbit for May 2005 per Astronomy Magazine in EDT
1 last quarter, 8 new moon, 16 first quarter, 14 apogee, 23 full moon, 26 perigee, last quarter #2

Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower peaks on May 5 and 6. The meteors come from Halley's Comet. Best viewing is before dawn on May 6. Just look for Mars. Check out the map and history at .

EARTH AND SUN DIGEST for May 5, 2005
Volcano Week After Lunar Perigee
...Week at a Glance (with time ticking)

Counts thru Wednesday
19-- Global Earthquakes of 5.0 to 5.9M (Japan-1, SoPacific-5)
1-- Global quakes of 6M or greater: 4/28 6.3M SIMEULUE, INDONESIA
(reported last week)
330-- California and Nevada earthquakes in past week
1-- CA/NV earthquakes 4M or greater: 4/28 4.0M OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
Interactive map
Earthquake data
1--Volcanoes with ash near Jet Stream (at 5 mi/8 km): Chile
http://Ash data

79--Sunspot No. high/low: 79 on 5/3 from 46 on 4/29
1060--Largest/smallest daily area of sunspots: 1060 on 4/30 to 910 on 5/1
none--X-Class Solar Flares
none--M-Class flares
(from )

26--Planetary Geomagnetic A Index (high): 26 on 5/1
0 days--Kp's of 4 (or more) per 24 hours (at least five): none
1 day--Kp's of 3 per 24 hours this week (high): four on 5/3

MONTHLY COUNTS of Earthquakes of 6 or greater Magnitude in the World,
per USGS/NEIC Preliminary Global Report

 YEAR:   93  94  95  96  97  98  99  00  01  02  03  04  05
March 0 2 8 13 5 7 8 5 5 10 15 10 18
April 0 12 17 4 9 6 8 3 9 7 8 17 (16)

YR total 19 110 160 109 76 63 103 109 112 133 145 145 (77)

(Data is upgraded at the source as needed without notice.)

Northern Ash and Gas Eruptions north of latitude 23°N,
(highest plume)

KARYMSKY Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia 54.05°N, 159.43°E; summit elev. 1,536 m (2.5 km)
seismicity above background levels during 22-29 April, possible ash-and-gas explosions to a height of ~2.5 km; the evenings of 26 and 27 April Strombolian activity seen in two of the volcano's craters, volcanic bombs rising to ~300 m above the craters, ash falling to the SE on 22-23 April, pyroclastic-flow deposits seen on the NNW flank
KLIUCHEVSKOI Kamchatka, Russia; 56.06°N, E160.36°E; summit elev. 4835 m (6.1 km)
eruption on 4 May at 0347 to 6.1 km and extending to NE

SHIVELUCH Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia 56.653°N, 161.360°E; summit elev. 3,283 m (4.5 km)
on 25 April a hot avalanche on lava dome's W side producing an ash plume rising to ~2 km above the 2.5-km-high lava dome, during 22-29 April gas-and-steam plumes to a maximum height of 1 km above the lava dome; Eruption on 3 May at 0010 to 4.5 km

SPURR southwestern Alaska, USA 61.299°N, 152.251°W; 3,374 m (0)
during 22-29 April elevated seismicity continuing, thermal imagery taken on 25 April revealing temperatures in the summit melt-pit region similar to those in September 2004, with values as high as 40 degrees Celsius in scattered patches of exposed rock, the lake in the summit crater still discolored, and a strong scent of sulfur in the area, indicating continued gas emission; the summit melt pit continuing to widen as the summit snow pack collapses into the lake; no unusual activity observed in satellite or web camera images during the report week

ST. HELENS Washington, USA 46.20°N, 122.18°W; summit elev. 2,549 m (low)
during 27 April to 3 May growth of the new lava dome inside the crater continuing, accompanied by low rates of seismicity, low emissions of steam and volcanic gases, and minor production of ash, on the morning of 28 April minor amounts of ashfall in the eastern part of Portland metropolitan area but no evidence of a new explosion; large convective storms over the Cascades on 27 April generating ash by the frequent hot rockfalls from the growing lava dome and keeping it in suspension to fall out as far away as Portland; corrected volume of the new lava dome on 10 March at 45 million cubic meters

SUWANOSE-JIMA Ryukyu Islands, Japan 29.53°N, 129.72°E; summit elev. 799 m (1.2 km)
an eruption on April 26 producing a plume to 1.2 km extending E

Equatorial Ash and Gas Eruptions at less than 23°N or S

ANATAHAN Mariana Islands, central Pacific Ocean 16.35°N, 145.67°E; summit elev. 788 m (3 km)
harmonic tremor down dramatically on 1 May after being high for several days, during 27 April to 1 May the main ash-and-steam plume to ~3 km, reaching Philippine airspace on 4 May

CANLAON Philippines 10.41°N, 123.13°E; summit elev. 2,435 m (3.4 km)
during 27 April to 2 May mild ash-and-steam emissions with plumes to a maximum height of 3.4 km, the sulfur-dioxide flux increasing on 28 April and reaching 2,700 tons on 1 May, flights to and from nearby Kalibo airport suspended on 3 May due to reduced visibility

COLIMA Mexico 19.31°N, 10337°W; summit elev. 3850 m (3.8 km)
steam cloud with little ash to 3.8 km, moving E at 20 kt

KILAUEA Hawaii, USA 19.43°N, 155.29°W; summit elev. 1,222 m (0)
during 27 April to 3 May lava entering the ocean at Kamoamoa, numerous surface lava flows visible on the coastal flat, episodes of inflation and deflation during the week

LANGILA New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea 5.53°S, 148.42°E; summit elev. 1,330 m (2.1 km)
ash emissions to ~3 km on 5 May, a small plume and a hot spot visible on satellite imagery

LASCAR Chile 23.4°S, 67.7°W; summit elev. 5,558 m (10.6 km)
on 4 May at 0730 ash plumes to 4.6 km rising further to 6.1 km, second initial lesser plume to 10.6 km, moving to SE at 60 km

MANAM offshore New Guinea, Papua New Guinea 4.10°S, 145.06°E; summit elev. 1,807 m (low)
during 28 April to 3 May a thin plume visible on satellite imagery, mild eruptive activity continuing

SOUFRIÈRE HILLS Montserrat, West Indies 16.72°N, 62.18°W; summit elev. 1,052 m (0)
steam venting beginning at the NW side of crater on 15 April continuing during 22-29 April; an average sulfur-dioxide flux of 304 metric tons per day was measured during 4 days in the report week, below the long-term eruption average of 500 metric tons per day

TALANG Sumatra, Indonesia 0.98°S, 100.68°E; summit elev. 2,896 m (0)
decrease in seismicity during 24-28 April

TUNGURAHUA Ecuador 1.47°S, 78.44°W; summit elev. 5,023 m (low)
during 27 April to 3 May volcanic activity at relatively low levels, low-energy gas-and-steam plumes emitted

All ash elevations are in km above sea level (a.s.l.) and times are converted to UTC.


FIVE Index of Global earthquakes of 5.0 magnitude or greater

yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss deg. deg. km

READ UP for latest report.
Sans Sumatra: 5M quakes - 12

05/05/04 14:49:2357.90S25.58W34.8 5.4SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
05/05/04 08:57:0319.42S173.90W35.0 5.7TONGA
05/05/04 04:38:1111.73N143.72E40.0 5.7SOUTH OF MARIANA ISLANDS
05/05/03 19:11:3914.88S74.53W31.4 5.8CENTRAL PERU
05/05/03 07:21:0933.65N48.64E10.0 5.0WESTERN IRAN
05/05/02 21:33:0520.78S173.98W35.9 5.2TONGA
05/05/02 15:35:3943.87S169.03E22.6 5.4SOUTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND
05/05/01 22:52:428.02S156.34E48.1 5.1SOLOMON ISLANDS
05/05/01 18:58:4330.75N56.99E36.4 5.0CENTRAL IRAN
05/04/30 14:48:1723.99N121.60E10.0 5.4TAIWAN
05/04/30 08:28:3819.94S173.70W10.0 5.1TONGA
05/04/30 01:08:3743.83N147.20E50.8 5.2KURIL ISLANDS

Indonesian Quakes, by region with top to north, latest quake on top

Nicobar Islands 5M quakes - 1
05/05/04 02:32:419.27N91.73E21.6 5.5NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION

North Sumatra 5M quakes - 2
05/05/05 01:14:475.28N94.23E30.0 5.1NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
05/05/04 00:44:503.03N96.33E38.6 5.2NORTHERN SUMATRA, DONESIA

Simeulue Island 5M quakes - 0 6M quake - 1
05/04/28 14:07:362.21N96.80E38.9 6.3SIMEULUE, INDONESIA

Nias Island 5M quakes - 4
05/05/04 00:42:030.30N97.03E36.6 5.0NIAS REGION, INDONESIA
05/05/02 12:03:151.34N97.08E24.0 5.0NIAS REGION, INDONESIA
05/04/30 13:17:191.97N97.08E30.0 5.3NIAS REGION, INDONESIA
05/04/29 20:13:340.16N97.90E30.0 5.0NIAS REGION, INDONESIA

Mentawai Region 5M quakes - 1
05/05/01 13:51:131.64S99.24E28.5 5.0KEP. MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA

United States And U.S. Territorial Quakes this past week
with quakes possibly felt from nearby countries:

05/05/04 09:59:4818.21N145.20E281.3 4.2PAGAN REG., N. MARIANA ISLANDS
05/05/04 09:30:3333.32N118.69W6.0 2.9CHANNEL ISL REG., CALIFORNIA
05/05/04 09:04:0665.45N134.10W1.0 4.0N YUKON TERRITORY, CANADA
05/05/04 04:38:1111.73N143.72E40.0 5.7SOUTH OF MARIANA ISLANDS
05/05/03 21:02:5035.95N120.50W14.1 2.9CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
05/05/03 10:32:0337.16N118.34W10.2 3.0CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
05/05/02 15:19:3752.70N174.63W192.5 4.5ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS.
05/05/01 12:37:3235.83N90.15W9.7 4.1ARKANSAS
05/04/30 11:44:0236.83N121.57W6.6 3.0CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
05/04/30 06:25:3760.58N150.73W35.0 4.0KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA
05/04/29 20:06:2034.10N118.54W5.1 2.8GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALIFORNIA
05/04/29 11:26:2732.35N115.40W30.1 2.9BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO
05/04/29 03:45:0138.82N122.79W2.5 3.1NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
05/04/28 20:49:1218.11N146.83E66.4 4.5PAGAN REG., N. MARIANA ISLANDS
05/04/28 20:27:1539.10N119.00W5.2 3.2NEVADA
05/04/28 18:31:2040.59N125.58W5.1 4.0OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
05/04/28 10:27:4339.10N118.99W2.3 2.8NEVADA
05/04/27 22:24:4936.88N122.13W13.9 3.3OFFSHORE CENTRAL CALIFORNIA


Sunspot numbers, daily for the past week:
4/27 28 29 30 5/1 2 3 4
45 71 46 53 61 55 79 61
Planetary daily geomagnetic A Index/with prior consecutive 3 hr Kp's
4/27 4/ 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 1
4/28 4/ 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 1
4/29 12/ 1 1 3 2 2 2 4 4
4/30 21/ 5 4 3 3 4 3 3 3
5/01 26/ 5 6 4 3 3 3 3 2
5/02 7/ 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2
5/03 10/ 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 1
5/04 7/ 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 1

Solar data from


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