Re: Solar Activity and CME's - Update
Posted by Canie on February 10, 2000 at 22:45:54:

This in today's report - apparently another CME was generated today - so it looks like it will be a busy few days:

STD: Just prior to the issuance of this report, a solar wind
shock was observed impacting the Earth. It produced a 26 nT
sudden magnetic impulse at Boulder at 03:01 UTC on 11 February.
There is a chance this disturbance may be the early arrival of
the CME anticipated for 12 February (from the 09 February flare
event). If so, the above discussion may be invalid and a second
shock may be observed from todays CME event sometime during the
early to mid UTC hours of 12 February. Overall, expect the next
48 to 72 hours to be sporadically active. Periods of
geomagnetic storm activity may be observed over the next 24

Pat ! I'm glad you took the time to check it out - Interesting correlations..

Are you still doing the parkfield Field Trip ?
