Re: ElectroMagnetic Pulses
Posted by Christopher Ives on February 10, 2000 at 21:05:41:

Bob - if you are EM hypersensitive then have you joined EMR Alliance?
Also isn't it likely that you became chemically hypersensitive first - ie. before becoming EM hypersensitive? Have you read CMHC's "Building Materials for the Environmentally Hypersensitive"? Please visit - also look for the Clean Air Guide.

Lastly have you installed a Moody or French coil (a simple 3 turn Radio Frequency choke) on all your power circuits and appliances - this is made from 3 turns of fat single core copper wire, insulated except at the two ends which are twisted together. This is wrapped around say the power cord to your TV, computer monitor, power entry etc. It blocks RF spikes and makes your TV picture clearer, your PC screen more stable, and your home portable phone will now work without any interference anywhere in your home. Your electrician will understand this stuff for the power entry - it is only an inductive connection.

Christopher Ives