I agree
Posted by Cathryn on February 04, 2000 at 23:40:30:


Much of what you do on this site is very appreciated by those of us trying to understand the mysterious logic of earth changes.

I, for one, always look forward to your CRITICAL EQ WINDOWS posts. Your failure to continue to post these data would be doing many who are interested in your methods (not to mention those living in a quake zone) a grave disservice.

But I have to agree with Canie and others that the political diatribes and religious sermons are getting to be a bit much.

It's a matter of frequency, tone, and realizing that not everyone on this board shares your views.

I hear your point about believing religion and politics are connected to your ability to predict EQs. Many believe that when people and animals go crazy, the earth often does, too.

The problem is that sometimes, especially in the political arena, what one person finds crazy, another finds quite sane. Just because a person disagrees with you doesn't make them wrong, or evil. Such issues are rarely that black and white.

As for suggesting you have no latitude on this board, you are the *one* person who has had the most latitude since I've been here, which is going on a year and a half now. Since you spend so much time generously sharing the results of your work, I, for one, have been willing (up till now) to overlook your many strongly-worded off-topic editorials.

But this Elian Gonzalez thing has gone way too far. It is one thing to mention a fractious political controversy; quite another to comment on it ad nauseum, making the assumption that everyone on this board agrees with your position. Many of us don't. That doesn't make us bad people, just good people with different views, perhaps approaching the situation from different histories and perspectives on politics and child raising.

I urge you to take Char up on her suggestion to take some deep breaths, relax over the weekend, and bend. Like a tree in the wind, ever stronger for its lack of rigidity. Nothing is either/or unless you make it so.

Please reconsider and stay with us, abiding by the same rules the rest of us are held to. That's what's supposed to happen in a Democracy.

I leave you with this thought from the Talmud: "We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are."

My best to you,
