Good Read - The Myth About Solid Ground
Posted by Petra on February 28, 2005 at 22:28:32:

Hi All,

I don't know why I didn't hear a word about this book, "The Myth about Solid Ground" by David Ulin, published in 2004, as its really quite a good read. Figures such as Jim Berkland, Kathy Gori, Charlotte King and Cloud Man all have their prediction methods included as well as a huge long list of seismologists as well.

In the book there's a short mention of Charles Sammis issuing a forecast for Parkfield in 1995. He had a 160 day window and didn't get his 6.0-6.5 quake. Of course, he's not the only one through the years.

I was greatly impressed about a woman at the USGS in Southern, CA who has collected earthquake predictions since the day she arrived back in the 1970's. She said she thought if anything came of them, she should have them on record. That's very nice of her and thoughtful as well.

I would truly recommend it for both scientists and lay people. It takes a good look at the work done by many over the years, it isn't too scientific, yet has enough science in it to keep a scientist awake I'm sure.
