Re: The Other Side of the Pacific
Posted by Petra on January 23, 2005 at 08:50:53:

Hi Cathryn,

While you were gone, my evaluation for last year came out and a lot of discussion ensued afterwards. Some of it was favorable, but much of it was not. I took some time to think about ear tone work and drew one solid conclusion; no matter what I do, even if I hit every single one of them on the nose there are those who will label me in a rather derogatory fashion as "just a psychic housewife" to sweep any of the work I've done under the carpet.

We must look at the facts:
I do not know the origin of the sound I hear.
I cannot explain why the distance of 37.5 miles for each second of tone heard works.
I am not a scientist.
Some people will label ear tones as a psychic event because they cannot connect it to a geo-physical event.
I have said for a long time there is much work to do to perfect using this sound and fitting into a tight scientifically square box and there is, but I have to be judged using this box without any latitude regardless of the degree of difficulty.

I have contended for years that language is everything and The Psychic Housewife series is a demonstration of taking a derogatory language and making it something positive. I would have more luck taking this show on radio and having my work accepted by the public than posting here as Petra Challus and finding any level of acceptance.

Imagine this, you are listening to a hot rock station and you hear a Bong...It's time for the Psychic Housewife's earthquake prediction spot and I come on and say "Heads up LA you're gonna rock today! Look for a 4.0 in Santa Monica and Baja's looking ripe. SF you're still sleeping, but Mt. St Helens new dome is in for a spit, correction in for a split. Bring it on Baby, we can handle it."

I may lack some things, but imagination is not one of them.


Follow Ups:
     ● Dear P.H. - Cathryn  09:29:28 - 1/23/2005  (24550)  (1)
        ● Oops - Cathryn  09:37:12 - 1/23/2005  (24551)  (0)